WRTC: Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation
Faculty: Michael Clarke
Organization: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ID: Pr-022804
Coordination of Patient Care
Faculty: Nadine Kidd
Organization: MedStar Health Home Care
ID: Pr-038205
Therapeutic Packing- MedStar Perioperative Initiative to Track Intentionally Retained Surgical Items.
Activity Director: Robin Vandervoort
Organization: MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital
ID: Od-034639
Opioid/Substance Use Disorders CE: Use of and Retention on Video, Telephone, and In-Person Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Activity Director: John Yosaitis
Organization: MedStar Health System and Shared Services
ID: Od-035520
Update 2021: National Patient Safety Goal (15), Suicide Prevention
Faculty: Lourdes Griffin
Organization: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ID: Pr-031619