Safe Handling and Administration of Intravenous Chemotherapy
Faculty: Michael Clarke
Organization: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ID: Pr-019690
MWHC FY23 Safe Handling and Administration of IV Chemotherapy
Activity Director: Cassandra Graziano
Organization: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ID: Od-033372
MWHC FY24 Safe Handling and Administration of IV Chemotherapy
Activity Director: Cassandra Graziano
Organization: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ID: Od-037287
Limited Chemotherapy Competency Education -- 5 Drug Module, Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Education
Activity Director: Meghan Perrotta
Organization: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ID: Od-030843
FY 24 Limited Chemotherapy Competency Education -- 5 Drug Module, Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Education
Activity Director: Meghan Perrotta
Organization: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ID: Od-036369
Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Administration
Activity Director: Kelly Lesser
Organization: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ID: Od-029972
Limited Chemotherapy Competency Presentation
Faculty: Meghan Perrotta
Organization: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ID: Pr-030257
Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Administration Presentation
Faculty: Kelly Lesser
Organization: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ID: Pr-029969
Limited Chemotherapy Competency Education -- 5 Drug Module
Activity Director: Meghan Perrotta
Organization: MedStar Washington Hospital Center
ID: Od-030842