Li-039694 MHHC Vestibular Therapy for the Homcare Clinician
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This course is an in-person format designed for occupational therapists, physical therapists, COTAs ... show more
- This course is an in-person format designed for occupational therapists, physical therapists, COTAs and PTAs in the home health setting. Clinicians will learn how to assess, identify, and treat vestibular disorders including benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and hypovestibular disorders specific to the homecare setting
- Demonstrate ability to obtain subjective information to assist with differential diagnosis performed through scenarios
- Demonstrate functional tests specific for proprioceptive and balance deficits and vestibular specific tests
- Describe the various types of dizziness
- Identify the anatomical components of the vestibular system
- Identify “red flags” or when to refer patient back to physician
- Implement appropriate plan of care based on findings, that are specific to the patient and environment
- Recognize if vertigo is peripheral, central, or medical Describe the various types of dizziness in origin
- Recognize the importance of understanding vestibular disorders in the homecare patient population
Activity Director
Renee Schroeder
MedStar Health Home Care