Li-039326 CNA to PCT Training Program (MMMC)
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This training program advances a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) to a Patient Care Technician (PCT ... show more
This training program advances a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) to a Patient Care Technician (PCT). The learner will expand their skill set by learning advanced care techniques including, but not limited to, phlebotomy and IV insertion. This course includes both didactic and hands-on skills/simulation practice. Full completion of the program includes skills practice that will extend beyond this two-day course. This is a professional development opportunity for the CNA that will allow them to provide a higher level of care and support to patients, improving their overall experience.
show lessObjectives
- Develop Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Abilities: Participants will be able to recognize changes in patient status and implement appropriate interventions in a timely manner.
- Enhance Clinical Skills: By the end of this course, participants will be able to perform advanced clinical procedures such as phlebotomy, EKG monitoring, and wound care with proficiency, ensuring high standards of patient care.
- Improve Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Participants will demonstrate improved communication and interpersonal skills, enabling them to effectively interact with patients, families, and healthcare team members, fostering a collaborative and supportive care environment.
Activity Director
Nakita Braboy
Activity Coordinators
Georgia Charles
Lauren Rodney
Kerry Haley-West
Lauren Rodney
Kerry Haley-West
MedStar Montgomery Medical Center