Od-039646 MSMHC FY25 Annual IMC Training
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The Deteriorating Patient Condition show details
This MedStar Health on line education, “The Deteriorating Patient Condition” was developed in response to nursing peer review showing lack of identification of the deteriorating patient and failure to rescue. Through scenario based learning the module emphasizes tracking and trending, using the Cerner MedConnect System, to visualize subtle vital sign changes over time and identify when a patient is deteriorating. The module then incorporates the next steps of knowing how to escalate care when needed and the use effective communication techniques.
The Deteriorating Patient Condition - Posttest show details
Posttest for The Deteriorating Patient Condition
CIWA Scale Assessment show details
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The module entitled CIWA Scale Assessment is an interactive module designed to educate Nursing associates about the CIWA-Ar scale and how to score it. A video portraying patient experiencing alcohol withdrawal is broken down into segments to allow the nurse to correctly score the patient’s level of withdrawal .
Care of the Patient Requiring Mechanical Ventilation in Non-Critical Care Areas show details
This module describes the different settings of the mechanical ventilator. Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of mechanical ventilation. Describes nursing actions to troubleshoot ventilator alarms, and discusses correction of ABGs through adjustment of mechanical ventilator settings.
Patients may require mechanical ventilation to:
Reverse hypoxemia
Reverse acute respiratory acidosis
Prevent or reverse atelectasis
Inability to clear or maintain airway
Mechanical or physiologic obstruction
Stabilize chest wall
Reverse respiratory muscle fatigue
Reduce intracranial pressure
COWS - Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale Presentation show details
COWS - Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale Presentation
Obstructive Sleep Apnea show details
This modules reviews OSA and the role of the RN
Advanced ECG Competency Assessment show details
This module offers 1.0 Interprofessional Continuing Education credits for nurses. To claim the credits, the course must be completed prior to September 30, 2027. Once your evaluation is complete, under Main Menu in SiTEL click on the CloudCME link and click on My CE/ Transcript to find the credits the next business day.
About this Course: By the end of this module you will have more confident knowledge of the waves, segments, and intervals of the cardiac cycle that are captured on EKG rhythm strips. You will also be refreshed on rate calculation, and anatomy and purpose of the cardiac conduction system. By the end of this module, you'll understand the various EKG waveform components, including: QRS complex, P wave, T wave, ST segment, PR Interval, and QT interval. This module will your ability to determine appropriate basic and advanced life support nursing interventions based on EKG rhythm strip identification. You will be given a rhythm strip, and it will be up to you to choose which action is most appropriate.