Od-039641 MSMHC General Orientation for Care Associates
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Bedside Shift Report show details
This on-line module provides Registered Nurses with the knowledge and skills needed to give an effective and efficient bedside shift report. Bedside Shift Report can have an impact on improved patient care outcomes, patient care quality, patient safety, improved communication and the patient experience.
Fall Prevention and Intervention for Support Associates show details
This scenario-based module will engage the learner in fall prevention activities including an assessment of environmental fall hazards, identification and application of fall prevention interventions, and a post-fall huddle.
Blood Component Pickup & Transport for Non-Nursing Personnel show details
This content discusses the proper procedure and handling of picking up and transport blood and blood components for non-nursing personnel.
MedStar Health: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Donning and Doffing Sequence show details
Correct and safe donning and doffing of Personal Protective Equipment is imperative to everyone.
PureWick Female External Catheter show details
This module introduces learners to the PureWick Female External Catheter and provides an overview of its application; indications, contraindications and precautions; and appropriate documentation.
Workplace Violence: Enhanced Patient Screening, Documentation & Care (Pr) show details
Overview of the MedStar Health Safety Assessment.
Improving Sepsis Outcomes for Adult Patients: Patient Care Technician Education show details
This presentation for Patient Care Technicians reviews content and courses of action necessary for the improvement of sepsis outcomes for the adult patient population.
MedStar Health Suicide Screening Presentation show details
This module reviews the proper use of the C-SSRS tool.
Level 1 Magnetic Resonance (MR) Safety Training Content show details
Level 1 Magnetic Resonance (MR) Safety Training
Optimizing Patient and Family Education. show details
This content offers Continuing Professional Education credits. To claim the credits, the course must be completed prior to 11/30/2027. Once your evaluation is complete, log on to https://medstar.cloud-cme.com and toggle to your Transcript to find the credits the next business day.
This presentation includes education and training around how to most effectively educate patients and their families on their medical condition using the ASK Me 3 and Teach Back method.
BMAT 2.0 - Unlicensed PT 1 show details
The purpose of this program is to describe the risks of immobility to patients
and the importance and benefits of Safe Patient Handling. The Bedside Mobility Assessment Tool 2.0 is illustrated and the role of the unlicensed and licensed associates is described. By using the BMAT Level, members of the team will use the correct equipment needed to mobilize the patient.
BMAT 2.0 - Unlicensed PT 2 show details
The purpose of this module is to describe the how the BMAT 2.0 level will be communicated to members of the team and where to locate it in the electronic medical record. Location of reference is also included.
MSMHC BERT show details
This presentation reviews BERT, who is responsible, and how to initiate
Use of Restraints and Seclusion with Safety and Dignity show details
This module reviews restraints and seclusion
CAUTI: Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Presentation show details
CAUTI: Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection Presentation
Your Patient and Clostridioides difficile: Nursing Presentation show details
This is an internet-enduring material, which focuses on the treatment and management of C. difficile infection. Identify appropriate testing and infection prevention practices.
Continuous Bladder Irrigation for Nursing show details
This presentation provides a brief overview of nursing and care associate's roles and responsibilities for a patient undergoing continuous bladder irrigation.
MedStar Health Stroke Education: Stroke Care System Overview show details
This course offers 0.5 Continuing Professional Education credits to physicians and nurses. To claim the credits, the course must be completed prior to June 27th, 2027. Once your evaluation is complete, log on to CloudCME® from your left SiTEL menu, and toggle to your Transcript to find the credits.
About this Course: This inter-professional enduring material includes online education on overview of current stroke care system. The purpose of this education is to equip healthcare providers with the knowledge needed to identify, evaluate, and manage stroke patients effectively, thereby optimizing stroke care. This online module also supports the Joint Commission accreditation requirements for stroke education for MedStar Health healthcare providers.
Low Level Disinfection in Patient Care Areas show details
This module will review and explain what low level disinfection is and how to properly disinfect for patient safety.
Sharps Safety for Associates. show details
This module will review how to prevent sharps injuries in the workplace and what to do if a sharps injury occurs.
Pressure Injury Prevention and Management course for CNAs and PCTs show details
This course is designed to provide education to CNAs and PCTs on pressure injury risk, prevention strategies, basic treatment strategies used under guidance of the RN/LPN, and documentation. This activity engages the learner in these concepts and encourages application through case studies and a post-activity knowledge assessment.