Od-039621 FY25 MSMHC SCN Annual Bundle
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Interdisciplinary Plan of Care (IPOC) show details
This online module provides an introduction to the features of an interdisciplinary plan of care (IPOC) and the actions to take to add an initiate an IPOC, document goals and interventions, and update and/or discontinue an IPOC.
NICU ECG Module show details
The NICU ECG Course educates nurses in Neonatal ECG basics and Neonatal ECG interpretation.
NICU: Eat, Sleep Console-An Approach for the Treatment of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome show details
This module educates nurses on the Eat, Sleep, Console method of treating and caring for patients experiencing Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.
MSMHC Umbilical Venous Catheter Sterile Line Changing. show details
Step-by-step instructions with pictures, on how to change UVC tubing and maintain sterility throughout procedure.