Od-039322 MWHC FY25 Core Mandatory Education for Equipment Techs in the OR
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Proper Waste Disposal show details
This online education identifies proper waste management and handling for healthcare workers in facilities at MedStar Health.
Due to regulatory requirements and possible fines and penalties that surround improper disposal of medical waste it is imperative that associates are given steps to take in appropriate disposal of medical waste.
OR Bin Safety. show details
Reviews the processĀ of disposing robotic instruments in the red sharps bins, and monitoring both red sharps bins and green reprocessing bins for fullness to help prevent potential biohazard injury for personnel.
Stryker Neptune Suction Training. show details
This course will review the Neptune suction devices.
Laser Safety in the Periop Environment show details
This module will review safe laser use in the periop setting.
MSH Malignant Hyperthermia. show details
This module covers Malignant Hyperthermia and outlines the roles and responsibilities of both licensed and unlicensed members of the surgical team.
MSH Fire Safety in the Operating Room. show details
Fire safety measures in the operating room.
Code Blue in the OR show details
The purpose of the Code Blue in the Operating Room module is to improve patient safety and effectively address life-threatening emergencies that may occur during surgical procedures. This module provides valuable information on the roles and responsibilities of the surgical team, which helps healthcare professionals develop their emergency response skills and foster a culture of preparedness and continuous improvement.
Annual Radiation Safety Training Quiz show details
Test Learner's recall of Radiation Safety Training.
Annual Radiation Safety Training Presentation show details
Annual Radiation Safety Training Presentation
Safe Patient Handling, Bariatric Patients show details
Safe patient handling of bariatric patients and the equipment used and techniques applied.
OR Clean, Care Handling and Transport of Soiled Reusable Instruments with Test-Out show details
This module reviews the cleaning, care, and transport of solid reusable instruments with a test-out feature.
Universal Protocol & Patient Safety Checklist with Test-Out show details
This module reviews the procedural checklist for patient safety and identifies the roles and responsibilities for the universal protocol time-out with test-out feature.