Main Task
Universal Protocol & Patient Safety Checklist show details
This module reviews the procedural checklist for patient safety and identifies the roles and responsibilities for the universal protocol time-out.
  • : Joyce Castro-Rexach
  • : Pr-036908
MSH Malignant Hyperthermia. show details
This module covers Malignant Hyperthermia and outlines the roles and responsibilities of both licensed and unlicensed members of the surgical team.
  • : Jacqueline Phaneuf
  • : Pr-036966
MSH Fire Safety in the Operating Room. show details
Fire safety measures in the operating room.
  • : Hollie Ridgell
  • : Pr-037168
MedStar Health Electrocautery Safety show details
This module will review electrosurgical devices and identify precautions when caring for patients with implanted devices.
  • : Claudia Anderson
  • : Pr-036638
Sharps Safety in the Procedural Areas show details
This module reviews sharps safety in the procedural areas
  • : Gabriella Etienne
  • : Pr-036969
AP Specimen Collection - Transport show details
AP Specimen Collection - Transport
  • : Lydia Burke
  • : Pr-032560
Fall Prevention and Intervention for Support Associates show details
This scenario-based module will engage the learner in fall prevention activities including an assessment of environmental fall hazards, identification and application of fall prevention interventions, and a post-fall huddle.
  • : John Yosaitis
  • : Pr-020277
Zoll Defibrillator R Series | Overview show details
This presentation provides an overview of the Zoll R Series defibrillator
  • : Elizabeth Gonder
  • : Pr-030934
Support Persons for Patients with Disabilities Training show details
Title III of the ADA prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of any place of public accommodation (including hospitals and other medical care sites). Covered entities must permit the presence of a Support Person when needed for individuals who have disabilities that affect their ability to communicate in a healthcare setting in order to comply with the ADA. Patients with certain disabilities may require the presence of a Support Person in order to allow for equal care for the patient, including in order to process relevant medical information or make healthcare-related decisions, aid comprehension, and /or fully communicate.
  • : Katherine Bornstein
  • : Pr-037919
MedStar Health: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Donning and Doffing Sequence show details
Correct and safe donning and doffing of Personal Protective Equipment is imperative to everyone.
  • : Pamela Farrare-Wilmore
  • : Pr-024167
EMTALA. show details
to be added
  • : Sherry Reisler
  • : Pr-028510