Od-038369 FY25 MSMHC ED Tech Orientation
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EPOC Blood Analysis System show details
The epoc Blood Analysis System is intended for use by trained medical professionals as an in vitro diagnostic device for the quantitative testing of samples of heparinized or un-anticoagulated arterial, venous, or capillary whole blood in the laboratory or at the point of care.The EPOC system is used throughout various MedStar Hospitals in the point of care setting. This presentation and corresponding quiz are required elements of training and competency for every EPOC testing operator in MedStar.
EPOC Quiz show details
This knowledge assessment tests the users understanding of the EPOC Blood Analysis System.
Blood Culture Phlebotomy show details
This presentation reviews the correct blood culture phlebotomy technique.
ED EMTALA show details
EMTALA is the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act which requires emergency departments to provide an appropriate medical screening exam to all patients, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.