Od-038330 FY25 MSMHC New Hire Perianesthesia Bundle

Main Task
Universal Protocol & Patient Safety Checklist show details
This module reviews the procedural checklist for patient safety and identifies the roles and responsibilities for the universal protocol time-out.
  • : Joyce Castro-Rexach
  • : Pr-036908
MSH Malignant Hyperthermia. show details
This module covers Malignant Hyperthermia and outlines the roles and responsibilities of both licensed and unlicensed members of the surgical team.
  • : Jacqueline Phaneuf
  • : Pr-036966
Capnography and End-tidal CO2 Monitoring show details
This module reviews normal parameters for end-tidal CO2, components of capnography, and the nurse's role in interventions to support normal and abnormal waveforms.
  • : Erin Glaser
  • : Pr-036903
Obstructive Sleep Apnea show details
This modules reviews OSA and the role of the RN
  • : Nickcole Price
  • : Pr-036968
Sharps Safety in the Procedural Areas show details
This module reviews sharps safety in the procedural areas
  • : Gabriella Etienne
  • : Pr-036969
Femoral Access Complications show details
This video covers what the most common vascular access complications are how to avoid them, how to identify them by the signs and symptoms and what types of treatment may be needed in the event they occur.
  • : Ashley Ricker
  • : Pr-023358
Local Anesthesia Systemic Toxicity (LAST). show details
This content defines Local Anesthesia Systemic Toxicity (LAST)
  • : Tamikio Dickerson
  • : Pr-037336