Od-037070 MGSH/MUMH Experienced ED RN Bundle
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MedStar Health Moderate Sedation Online Presentation show details
This online education in conjunction with the MedStar Health Moderate Sedation Simulation Course are designed to be education and training for MedStar Health Non-Anesthesia Care Providers who administer Moderate Sedation.
Tenecteplase: Reconstitution and Administration show details
This module reviews what TNK is and how it works, understanding patients that would be a candidate for this treatment, reviewing and going over what comes in a TNK kit, Step by Step instructions on reconstitution and administration of TNK, Dosing Chart, Scenarios, and post TNK care for patients
MEP EMTALA Update show details
Current MEP EMTALA Update presentation
MedConnect FirstNet Nursing LaunchPoint Module show details
MedConnect FirstNet Nursing LaunchPoint Module
Malignant Hyperthermia. show details
Malignant Hyperthermia.
MH Quiz show details
This quiz assesses knowledge of MH