Od-036625 FY24 MEP: Physician Education, Part I
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Can't Miss Diagnosis: Aortic Dissection show details
The Can’t Miss Diagnosis series focuses on diseases that are relatively rare, difficult to diagnose, and catastrophic when diagnosis and treatment are delayed. The key to good outcomes for these diseases is to be prepared in advance to recognize and treat them, and to address individual cases with a high index of suspicion for disorders that are infrequently seen.
Aortic dissection is rare, but complications develop rapidly, and the outcome is often fatal. In an aortic dissection, a break in the inner wall of the aorta allows blood to surge between the inner and outer layers of the aortic wall. The blood under pulse pressure dissects the middle layer of the aorta, creating a propagating split in the aortic wall.
Procedural Sedation for Emergency Physicians. show details
Procedural sedation involves the use of sedative and analgesic agents to reduce the anxiety and pain suffered by patients during procedures. It encompasses a continuum of altered levels of consciousness including minimal, moderate, deep and dissociative sedation levels.
MEP EMTALA Update show details
Current MEP EMTALA Update presentation
Verbal De-Escalation Post-Training Survey show details
Verbal De-Escalation Post-Training Survey
Workplace Violence Prevention De-escalation: Recognize, Accept, Plan (RAP) show details
This online module includes how to identify a situation that may possibly escalate. Demonstrates the use of Verbal utilizing RAP, and Non-Verbal methods for de-escalation of an agitated person and discusses what to do if the situation continues to escalate despite the use of RAP. The module includes 3 video scenarios that teach the use of RAP in different situations.
Code Cord Compression - MedStar’s Optimized Practice show details
This video highlights MedStar’s optimized code cord compression practice. This includes no delay diagnosis, no delay diagnostic imaging, and no delay definitive treatment. Each Medstar hospital has created a Clinical Emergency Response Plan (go live Fall 2022).
Race Implicit Association Test Presentation show details
Implicit Association Tests (IAT) are valuable tools to bring greater self-understanding of one’s attitude or stereotypes.