Od-036533 Onboarding Mandatory Modules EP Lab Nurses

Main Task
Care of the Heart Transplant Recipient Presentation show details
Care of the Heart Transplant Recipient presentation
  • : Taylor Hoffman
  • : Pr-035764
Care of the Heart Transplant Recipient Quiz show details
Care of the Heart Transplant Recipient quiz
  • : Taylor Hoffman
  • : Qu-036198
MedStar Health Electrocautery Safety show details
This module will review electrosurgical devices and identify precautions when caring for patients with implanted devices.
  • : Claudia Anderson
  • : Pr-036638
MSH Malignant Hyperthermia. show details
This module covers Malignant Hyperthermia and outlines the roles and responsibilities of both licensed and unlicensed members of the surgical team.
  • : Jacqueline Phaneuf
  • : Pr-036966
Radiation Safety and Risks in Fluoroscopy Presentation show details
Radiation Safety and Risks in Fluoroscopy Presentation
  • : Mohammed Aljallad
  • : Pr-036699
Sharps Safety in the Procedural Areas show details
This module reviews sharps safety in the procedural areas
  • : Gabriella Etienne
  • : Pr-036969
MedStar Health Stroke Education: Stroke Care System Overview show details
This course offers 0.5 Continuing Professional Education credits to physicians and nurses. To claim the credits, the course must be completed prior to June 27th, 2027. Once your evaluation is complete, log on to CloudCME® from your left SiTEL menu, and toggle to your Transcript to find the credits. About this Course: This inter-professional enduring material includes online education on overview of current stroke care system. The purpose of this education is to equip healthcare providers with the knowledge needed to identify, evaluate, and manage stroke patients effectively, thereby optimizing stroke care. This online module also supports the Joint Commission accreditation requirements for stroke education for MedStar Health healthcare providers.
  • : Karen Poole
  • : Pr-038169
MedStar Health Stroke Education: Ischemic Stroke - Acute Phase Management show details
This course offers 0.5 Continuing Professional Education credits to physicians and nurses. To claim the credits, the course must be completed prior to June 27th, 2027. Once your evaluation is complete, log on to CloudCME® from your left SiTEL menu, and toggle to your Transcript to find the credits. About this Course: This inter-professional enduring material includes online education on acute phase evaluation and management of ischemic strokes. The purpose of this education is to equip healthcare providers with the knowledge needed to identify, evaluate, and manage stroke patients effectively, thereby optimizing stroke care. This online module also supports the Joint Commission accreditation requirements for stroke education for MedStar Health healthcare providers.
  • : Karen Poole
  • : Pr-038171
MedStar Health Stroke Education: Ischemic Stroke - Subtypes and Secondary Prevention show details
This course offers 0.5 Continuing Professional Education credits to physicians and nurses. To claim the credits, the course must be completed prior to June 27th, 2027. Once your evaluation is complete, log on to CloudCME® from your left SiTEL menu, and toggle to your Transcript to find the credits. About this Course: This inter-professional enduring material includes online education on ischemic stroke subtyping and the secondary prevention of ischemic strokes. The purpose of this education is to equip healthcare providers with the knowledge needed to identify, evaluate, and manage stroke patients effectively, thereby optimizing stroke care. This online module also supports the Joint Commission accreditation requirements for stroke education for MedStar Health healthcare providers.
  • : Karen Poole
  • : Pr-038173
MedStar Health Stroke Education: Intracerebral Hemorrhage show details
This course offers 0.5 Continuing Professional Education credits to physicians and nurses. To claim the credits, the course must be completed prior to June 27th, 2027. Once your evaluation is complete, log on to CloudCME® from your left SiTEL menu, and toggle to your Transcript to find the credits. About this Course: This inter-professional enduring material includes online education on the evaluation and management of intracerebral hemorrhage. The purpose of this education is to equip healthcare providers with the knowledge needed to identify, evaluate, and manage stroke patients effectively, thereby optimizing stroke care. This online module also supports the Joint Commission accreditation requirements for stroke education for MedStar Health healthcare providers.
  • : Karen Poole
  • : Pr-038175
Universal Protocol & Patient Safety Checklist show details
This module reviews the procedural checklist for patient safety and identifies the roles and responsibilities for the universal protocol time-out.
  • : Joyce Castro-Rexach
  • : Pr-036908
Laser Safety in the Periop Environment show details
This module will review safe laser use in the periop setting.
  • : Josie Gorman
  • : Pr-036931
ITC Hemochron Signature Elite Presentation show details
ITC Hemochron Signature Elite Presentation
  • : Dana Penn
  • : Pr-033890
MSH Fire Safety in the Operating Room. show details
Fire safety measures in the operating room.
  • : Hollie Ridgell
  • : Pr-037168
Procedural & Surgical Count Policy Presentation show details
It is the policy of MedStar Health to ensure perioperative patients are free from injury related to retention of sponges, sharps, miscellaneous items, and instruments. All team members will engage in safe practices that support prevention of Retained Foreign Objects (RFOs).
  • : Melissa Boyer
  • : Pr-037555